Teaching & Learning
At Crete Public Schools, every student has access to a high-quality, engaging education. Staff and students are empowered through high expectations for learning with standards-based units to encourage exploration and inquiry.
CPS defines curriculum as a systematically planned and sequenced set of goals, outcomes and experiences vertically aligned to local and national standards to achieve proficiency in content and skills. High-quality instructional materials support teaching and learning of the curriculum by providing sequential instructional units, resources, vocabulary, texts and assessments. The curriculum is informed by the Nebraska Standards, teachers, students, parents and community partnerships. Student tasks, as well as local and state assessments, will be used to evaluate student learning and inform instructional decisions.
We believe we must empower teachers and principals to be instructional leaders. The curriculum is developed and revised through a systematic approach involving a mapped out curriculum process. Teachers and principals receive job-embedded professional learning through professional learning communities (PLCs) and instructional coaching. Principals, teachers, and staff regularly attend state and national conferences to remain current in best practices, current legislation, and state and federal guidelines. The curriculum is designed using a holistic approach to incorporate student-centered learning, cultural diversity, social and emotional learning, as well as personalized learning to meet student needs.
Students will learn through a variety of educational experiences designed to encourage high levels of thinking and meet grade-level academic standards. All students will read and analyze grade-level text; write to learn and demonstrate learning; work in student-centered teams; solve problems; acquire and apply knowledge; and demonstrate mastery through performance and evidence. Student tasks, as well as local and state assessments, will be used to evaluate student learning and inform instructional decisions. Through the CPS curriculum, students will be supported to reach their maximum potential.
For more information, please contact our Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Brittany Hajek at Email Brittany Hajek or 402.826.5855.